Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Season Advances

The Season Advances

It is starting to feel like summer. The sugar peas were so scroungy yesterday that they just got pulled off. Some of the greens are bolting. Broccoli is making heads. Cucumbers and winter squash are climbing. The tomatoes are making blossoms; but if the deer don’t leave them alone, they will never make tomatoes. One of the potato plants died (not from natural causes I think). There was a little new potato in the ground beneath it.

The cucumbers are something of a disappointment this year. I have planted a 35 foot row, 3 times. There are about 3 cucumber plants. The seeds don’t come up. The soil will get a test this weekend and any needed amendments will be added. I will try one more time. Cucumbers are one of our favorite vegetables. They are too expensive to buy the way we like to eat them. If I had a vacant row somewhere, I would plant somewhere else.

The rain has not been dependable so far this year. We either get deluges that wash things away or nothing. We have had to water several times already.

David Segrest is an International REALTOR in Charlotte, NC. His email is david@segrestrealty.com , His webpage is http://www.segrestrealty.com , and his international real estate blog is http://dointernationalrealestate.blogspot.com/.

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