Monday, October 12, 2009

New Raised Beds

This long weekend saw some progress in the garden. The lumber has been identified for 4 new raised beds. One which was built this morning is 3’ X 8’. Two of the others will be 4’ X 12’ and will be used for squash. The other one will be 3’ X 12’. There may be another bed 4’ X 4’ to accommodate a stump. The stump is too much trouble to get out; but it can be worked around.

Most of the fallow part of the garden was tilled this weekend. That is needed before the beds can be built. The soil is tilled as deep as the tiller will go. The box is built on top of the ground and filled with compost and the loose dirt around the bed. The bed can then be planted or left for the spring. The beds that are left for spring get a layer of mulch. The spaces between the beds (30”) is mulched as well. In the spring the mulch will be pulled off of the beds and left in the paths to conserve moisture, prevent weeds and provide a home for earthworms.

The new compost system works great. There won’t be enough compost for all of the new raised beds so “black gold” will be purchased from compost central. A pickup truck full is $24.90. This is really beautiful compost and well worth the money.
David Segrest is an International REALTOR in Charlotte, NC. His email is , His webpage is , and his international real estate blog is

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