Thursday, November 19, 2009

Too Big to Fail

All of the small to medium fire ant hills treated with Spectracide Fire Ant Mound Destroyer have been destroyed. The one in the compost bin must have been “too big to fail”. Two days elapsed between the treatment and the next turning. The fire ants were working like maggots when I turned the first forkful of compost. The pile was retreated. (I retreated too.) Yesterday the ants appeared to be gone.

The things planted in the greenhouse are coming up pretty well. Out of 5 flats planted to date, 3 are completely sprouted. 4 more were planted yesterday. The first planting (other than tomatoes for the indoor bed) was the test for the spaghetti squash seeds. Something green is growing in those cups; but it is not recognizable as a squash plant yet. It is important to make sure the seeds are viable before giving them away and having people risk a planting on bad seed.

The raised beds are coming along pretty well too. There is not enough lumber in the right sizes to build any more beds. The things that are planted are doing well though. The spinach is finally sprouting and growing and the cress is sprouting well. This is the 4th time to plant Cress (creasy greens) and the first time it has even germinated. Onions from seed were planted for the first time and they seem to have all sprouted. The onions from sets planted at the same time are much larger; but size is not important at this stage of the game.

David Segrest is an International REALTOR in Charlotte, NC. His email is , His webpage is , and his international real estate blog is

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