Friday, April 9, 2010

Buying Seeds

Buying seeds has got to be one of the most exciting parts of gardening. No dirt under the fingernails, just the satisfaction of thinking about the beautiful plants enclosed in that tiny little shell. I always buy most of my seeds in bulk from Renfrow’s Hardware in Matthews. Just going in the old fashioned hardware store is a large part of the experience.

They had everything on the list except for the spaghetti squash. We saved seeds from last years crop, which was the best crop ever. I planted a few in the greenhouse and they did not come up; so I was afraid of them. Who wants to waste weeks waiting on seeds that are not viable. Last night we started a more scientific test. About 30 seeds were put between sheets of paper towels and soaked. They were put in the greenhouse with bottom heat to see what happens. This should yield a rough percentage of viability if some of them germinate

This will tell us how many extra seeds to put in each hole. Last year we planted 3 hills and got 8 large squash. Each squash made 3 meals for 2 people. This year 7 hills will be planted.

David Segrest is an International REALTOR in Charlotte, NC. His email is , His webpage is , and his international real estate blog is

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