Monday, July 26, 2010

Mystery Solved

The “mystery bugs” are spotted cucumber beetles. During the research phase, I found striped cucumber beetles. These are the same thing with a different pattern on their uniform. Mr. Blackley at Renfrow’s Hardware identified them. They can be defeated with neem oil, pyrethrums or sulfur. Pyrethrums are considered organic because they are made from daisies. They are still a poison. This limits a true organic solution to the sulfur or the neem oil. I already have sulfur.

When sulfur is used in a garden spray one must pay careful attention to the PH of the soil. Even a little bit of sulfur will acidify the soil. The best time to spray is early in the morning to avoid damage to the foliage. If watering is required as well, that should be done first.

The first cantaloupe and the first watermelon came off this weekend. The cantaloupe was very sweet. We haven’t eaten the watermelon yet. The tomatoes and okra are coming in well. The cucumbers are looking shabby. The summer squash is done, but new patty-pan squash and yellow squash have been planted and are doing well. Most of the butternut squash and all of the spaghetti squash has been picked.

David Segrest is an International REALTOR in Charlotte, NC. His email is , His webpage is , and his international real estate blog is

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