Wednesday, November 10, 2010

First Frost

The first frost came on Monday morning. It did not kill anything, so we won’t call it the 1st killing frost. It did make me nervous. So I picked the green tomatoes last week. Usually the kiss of 1st frost improves the flavor of crucifers. We haven’t picked any yet so who knows. They were pretty good before.

Getting the leaves up is a real pain. The leaf blower is really hard to start and even when it is started it takes forever to warm up enough to blow leaves. I used the mulching lawn mower to reduce the bulk of leaves. The side delivery lawn mower will be used to go around the edge of the beds and blow at least one pass into them. By then maybe the blower will be warm enough to finish the job.

My wife gets really irritated at me for blowing our leaves into the flower beds and natural areas instead of picking them up. We need leaves to mulch in the garden, but it is much easier to pick them up in nice neat bags from the side of the road.

David Segrest is an International REALTOR in Charlotte, NC. His email is , His webpage is , and his international real estate blog is

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