Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Greenhouse Green

Almost everything from the first sowing in the greenhouse has sprouted. This in itself is a big improvement over last year. Of the three subsequent sowings, most of that has come up as well. The sprouted plants were moved to flats without cloches as they came up. Now it is a matter of moving the un-sprouted plants to a covered flat. Everything that had sprouted as of Monday received a foliar feeding of organic fertilizer.

The organic spray bottle fits on a garden hose. The spray is a little bit strong for tiny plants. It may be necessary to mix some of it in a spray bottle until the plants get a little bit larger and stronger. A new hose nozzle was purchased at the same time. It has not been tried yet, but it has a mist feature which should provide a more gentle spray.

The garden plants that were damaged by the hard freeze have not recovered. If they have not shown more resilience by the weekend they will be pulled off. I wonder if a new planting of any of the greens would be successful. There are cabbage, broccoli and pak choy plants in the greenhouse which will go into the garden as soon as they are large enough. They can be covered if another really hard freeze is predicted after they are set out.

David Segrest is an International REALTOR in Charlotte, NC. His email is , His webpage is , and his international real estate blog is

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