Friday, April 22, 2011

Good and Wet Friday

It is sad that the most important planting day of the year is marred by rain. Those of us who have raised beds can brave the intervals in the precipitation to plant a few little things. In our garden holes were dug on Wednesday to start the hills for the winter squash. These holes will be filled with compost and the loose dirt for 1.5’ in all directions will be raked up to form a hill for planting. 3 holes will be poked in the top of each hill and 3 seeds will go into each hole.

There are still a few butternut and spaghetti squash left from last year. They keep really well and are an important part of the plans one makes to have something from the garden at every meal. Of course food for the soul (and the eyes) is important too, so the flower beds that have already been prepared will be seeded today. The decision has been made not to buy flats of annuals for the deer to eat. The annuals are being seeded directly into the beds.

The first little sugar pea blooms appeared on the 20th. Last night (the 21st) the peas were in full bloom. There should be pea pods big enough for sautéing within a week to 10 days. That will be wonderful with spinach and onions.

David Segrest is an International REALTOR in Charlotte, NC. His email is , His webpage is , and his international real estate blog is

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