Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Maria Copies Me

I doubt very seriously that Maria Rodale even reads this blog, but she did repeat an Idea that I have mentioned for years. This time of year is when we have a perfect garden, because it is in our heads. On “Maria’s Page” in the Organic Gardening Magazine. She talked about learning from this year’s mistakes when planning next years garden.

There is one resolution that I make every year and this is the first year that I have kept it 100%. That is to keep a record of the varieties planted. This worked really well for everything, but especially for the tomatoes. The bulk of the tomatoes in our garden were from 3 varieties, but there were a couple of plants that were traded with friends and planted.

It has been several years since the garden was blessed with German Johnson or Rutgers tomatoes. The plants were given to me by Mick McNeely and they did very well. It was good that the package was kept from the cayennes as well, because although the package pictured regular cayennes, the variety turned out to be the cow horn cayenne. They were 6” to 8” long and as twisted as I am.

David Segrest is an International REALTOR in Charlotte, NC. His email is , His webpage is , and his international real estate blog is

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