Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Fall Projects

Fall should be a time to rest from summer’s labors and enjoy the easy things from the garden. Once they are planted the greens require nothing but a little water and picking. The cabbage isn’t ready for picking, but a few more plants were set out so there will be enough for sauerkraut. The sugar peas are only about 6” high. Most of the beds are full of dead stuff and need to be reworked. All the projects that should have been done in the summer are waiting to be done so they don’t clog up the calendar for next summer.

I had 25 trees taken out this spring and saved some money by cleaning up the debris myself. Bad idea. The garden was way behind getting planted, but it turned out well. The compost system was rotting down, so a new one was built surrounded with lattice to hide the ugliness. Now if the vines will only grow. 30 fig trees were started and are doing well. There is still a need to start some camellias, Blueberries and grapes. Maybe that just won’t happen.

The honey-do club wants a new porch, walkway and patio. The birds would like a waterfall and fish pond. The hawks especially would like to see fish in the pond. The garden needs a new fence and so does the yard. Fall is the time to relax and enjoy the fruits of the summer.

David Segrest is an International REALTOR in Charlotte, NC. His email is , His webpage is , and his international real estate blog is

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