Thursday, January 24, 2013

Greenhouse is Done

It is done, but not finished. The greenhouse itself is complete. The half day construction time cited in the instructions might be possible with better instructions, but I doubt it. Even if a half day means 12 hours, it would be pretty close. The instructions were just pictures and some were really hard to decipher. The greenhouse kit was done with quality materials and all of the parts were there except for a few screws for the tie-downs. The screws were too short anyway.

The next step was to buy a big (900 #’s) bag of sand and sand the dirt floor in preparation for placing brick. The first shelf was constructed. I kept trying to take it inside the greenhouse and finish it there, but it was to floppy. By the time I got enough of the wood in it to make it steady, it was too heavy and I couldn’t lift it. Also there were a couple of improvements that could be made, so tonight it will be taken apart and re-assembled inside the greenhouse.

The next step will be to install ½ of the brick floor to hold the shelves in place. The shelves for the other side were not built as the “educational process” needs to be experienced first. Before doing that the lights, wiring and heat pads will be installed in the ceiling and in the 1st set of shelves.

David Segrest is an International REALTOR in Charlotte, NC. His email is , His webpage is , and his international real estate blog is

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