Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A Tale of Two Marigolds

Parsley, Cilantro and Marigolds (only a few of each) were put outside during the day to harden off. Friday night they were forgotten and left out all night. Since the original intention was to plant them on Saturday, this was not a problem. They did not get planted Saturday. The temperature went to 25 on Sunday morning. This was not a problem except for 1 marigold. One thrived and one died.

The cilantro and parsley were set out Sunday. The surviving marigold was taken back into the greenhouse. Kale, Swiss chard, onion sets, radishes, mustard and sugar peas were planted over the weekend. Two asparagus plants were hardened off, but their planting is being delayed until the asparagus in the bed start shooting up. One has poked its nose up, but it has only grown 2 inches in 4 days.

The soil in the garden is still too wet to till. Freezing nights and windy sunny days should dry it out fast. If it is not dry by Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday more rain is predicted.

David Segrest is an International REALTOR in Charlotte, NC. His email is david@segrestrealty.com , His webpage is http://davidsegrest.com , and his international real estate blog is http://dointernationalrealestate.blogspot.com/

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