Wednesday, June 12, 2013

To Spray or not to Spray

Poisons are not used in our yard or garden so that is not the issue. Rain is the issue. BT (Bacillus Thuringiensis) and Sulfur are the main sprays used. They both wash off in a moderate to heavy rain and have to be re-applied. The alternative is to let the crops get eaten up by bugs or killed with powdery mildew. This year seems to have brought a bumper crop of chameleons, so there are not as many bugs as normal. I can’t help but wonder if the diseased caterpillars spoil dinner for the little amphibians.

Powdery mildew is a more serious problem because it has no natural enemies. It is extremely bad in the high humidity caused by Sun and rain. An emulsion of either sulfur or baking soda will pretty much wipe it out. Experience has shown that baking soda kills the leaves on which it is sprayed. Sulfur does not.

The BT was sprayed yesterday on the garden. It still needs to be sprayed on the cherry and blueberry plants. The sulfur was used up last year, so more will have to be purchased.

David Segrest is an International REALTOR in Charlotte, NC. His email is , His webpage is , and his international real estate blog is

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