Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Finally Rain

We had a couple of frog stranglers at the end of the week and the earth is showing her appreciation. The grass is growing really fast. We even picked a tomato finally. The kale just keeps on keepin’ on and the squash is still producing. The watermelons and spaghetti squash are growing. Even a few figs are getting ripe. Chris has been kind enough to bless us with some of his abundance and my wife made some fig preserves.

She did not use Chris’ recipe because it had too much sugar. Ana used a ½ cup of sugar, the juice and some of the zest from a lemon and a stick of cinnamon. No butter. Her preserves were like those that our neighbor Ruby Owens used to make when I was a kid. They were wonderful. My wife thought they weren’t sweet enough so she opened all the jars (except for one that I made off with) and added more sugar. They are just ok now.

The vacant rows in the garden still have not been tilled. That has to happen this weekend. There is enough compost on hand to make a new raised bed. I hope that will happen too. The time is almost here to plant the fall garden.

David Segrest is an International REALTOR in Charlotte, NC. His email is , His webpage is , and his international real estate blog is

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