Sunday, August 23, 2009

Michael Swol’s Jalapeño Poppers

Cut top off of pepper and remove seeds. Cook and crumble one hot Italian sausage. Bring some cream cheese to room temperature. Mix sausage and cream cheese and stuff into pepper. Cut some bacon strips in half. Wrap the bacon around the Jalapeño so that it covers the top. Hold together with a toothpick and broil or grill. I tasted one and it was delicious. It was a little hot for me; but not too bad.

The spinach and chard that was planted weekend before last has not come up. The mesclun and arugula planted in the raised bed have sprouted. So have the turnips and mustard. I’m thinking I should plant some kale too. We are still getting plenty; but I expect it to bolt soon.

It has been raining in Charlotte quite a bit; but my yard seems to have an umbrella over it. I finally got some rain yesterday (8/20). It soaked the ground pretty deep. Plants seem to respond better to rain than irrigation. The tomatoes really appreciated the rain and the demonstrated that by being numerous and tasty. All but one or two plants this year are Marglobe or Celebrity. They have more flavor than the new hybrids.

David Segrest is an International REALTOR in Charlotte, NC. His email is , His webpage is , and his international real estate blog is

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