Thursday, December 2, 2010

Pruning Figs

This weekend the fig trees had lost all of their leaves, so they were cut back to eye level. The center branches were also cut out to let more light in and any branches that crossed were cut off. Last year only one tree was pruned. This was a major mistake as that tree required a saw for much of the pruning. It is amazing how fast fig trees grow.

The broccoli has heads about 3” in diameter now. It should be ready to pick. One of the cauliflowers has a head about 2” in diameter. This weekend it will have the leaves tied over to keep the head white. It is also time to make another planting of radishes and onions too. Like the other crucifers they will produce practically all winter.

The rest of the green tomatoes were pulled off yesterday. This was done about 3 weeks ago, but the tomatoes kept growing so there are more now. The plants are really frost bitten this time and the temperature is supposed to go to 25 degrees in the morning. This weekend the eggplant and tomato plants will head for the garbage and the beds will be put to bed for winter.

David Segrest is an International REALTOR in Charlotte, NC. His email is , His webpage is , and his international real estate blog is

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