Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hot Weekend

These 90 degree plus days are not really good for the garden. They cause the pollen on many plants to be deformed and cause the fruit not to set. They are also kind of hard on the gardener. In spite of the heat much of the backlog of projects was advanced. Mulching of the pathways has begun as well.

The squash is coming in well. We got the 1st 3 yellow squash on Friday. Yesterday a huge basket was half filled with yellow and patty-pan squash. The zucchinis are about 3” long but they still have blossoms so they were not picked. The cucumbers are loaded with blossoms but no cucumbers. The sugar peas are still producing well, but the vines are looking a little shabby. There are bunches of little tomatoes.

The stinky compost seems to have been defeated. It did not take rocket science. The smell was coming from the grass that had been collected from the road that was in bags. The method for defeating the smell will be addressed in the next post.

David Segrest is an International REALTOR in Charlotte, NC. His email is david@segrestrealty.com , His webpage is http://davidsegrest.com , and his international real estate blog is http://dointernationalrealestate.blogspot.com/

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