Monday, June 20, 2011

Pathway Mulching

The pathway mulching started a little late this year. Leaves are not easy to find on the curbside. Some progress is being made however. Saturday, I found a bunch of pine needles. There were more than I could safely carry in my pickup truck so I made another trip Sunday. Most of them went into the pathways, but a few were used to put a light covering on the leaf mulch in the flower beds to give them a nicer look.

We are finally picking cucumbers. They are really hard to find among all of the foliage. The bugs are coming back as well, but not as bad as yesterday. The garden needs to be sprayed again, but every day seems to threaten rain. It hurts to spray and then get it washed off. BT is being used again this year, but the application method is different. Some of the bottles that came with organic foliar fertilizer were saved. The BT is put in the bottle at ½ strength and sprayed with the hose. It seems to work pretty well.

The squash is coming in like crazy. We have given away and eaten bunches, but now it is time to start drying it for use in soups this winter. The tomato vines are loaded too, but don’t count your tomatoes before they are sliced.

David Segrest is an International REALTOR in Charlotte, NC. His email is , His webpage is , and his international real estate blog is

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