Monday, March 23, 2009

I Missed my Garden (and my Wife)

I Missed my Garden (and my Wife)

I spent last week in Ecuador. You can buy 20 delicious tree tomatoes there for $1. The indigenous people still plant their milpas. The food is wonderful. I still missed my garden, my greenhouse and my wife. My wife took care of the greenhouse. I lost several flats of plants; but I don’t think that was her fault. The rest of the stuff is doing well and I think it will be ready to go in the ground by good Friday.

Of the crucifers I planted, the broccoli and Brussels sprouts are doing well, the cabbage has disappeared. The spinach had grown so large we had to cook it. Sugar peas are 2” tall. Everything has come up except carrots and beets. Mustard and arugula (from last fall) has started going to seed. The blueberries have started to leaf out. Blackberries are leafed out. The grapes have swelling buds. The paw paws are another story.

The ones I bought from Burgess last year were dead when I got them. The ones I got from Stark brothers were supposed to ship in the spring; but I came in one day to find them on the front porch. I planted them. It is a little early to tell how they will do. The smallest one still feels supple, the larger is stiff; but maybe that is because it is larger. I love spring.

David Segrest is an International REALTOR in Charlotte, NC. His email is , His webpage is , and his international real estate blog is

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