Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Broccoli and Bok Choy

Sunday the broccoli and bok choy got planted. The plants came from Renfrow’s instead of the greenhouse because last years broccoli had small heads. The bok choy was an impulse thing. It was next to the broccoli. There is not much in my garden for the rabbits to eat right now; so I made some little cages out of chicken wire to keep them from eating the new plants. As of yesterday (Tuesday) they were still safe.

Tonight it is supposed to snow. The temperature is going down to 28. We are supposed to have sub-freezing weather every night until Sunday. What do the weather people know? I can remove the cages from the plants and put some plastic jugs over them. Then I’ll have to go home tomorrow when the weather warms up and remove the jugs. Crucifers can stand some cold. Perhaps I can just pull the mulch up close.

The greenhouse tripped a breaker last night and the lights did not come on. That means the heating pads were off as well. Now the lights and the heating pads are on different circuits. That means I won’t know if the heating pads are off without going into the greenhouse. It is not the circuit breaker that trips, it is the ground fault disconnect. Maybe I need to put in new recepticals

David Segrest is an International REALTOR in Charlotte, NC. His email is , His webpage is , and his international real estate blog is

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