Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dead Cucumber Vines

None of the cucumbers are producing much of anything. One row finally died except for one plant. They were pulled off this weekend and disposed of in the trash can rather than the compost pile. A new row was planted in another bed. Cucumbers are a favorite vegetable from the garden. It is painful not to have any.

Every year new lessons are learned from experience. The raised beds were started several years ago. One of the mistakes that were made at that time was to make several beds in each row. The thirty inches between the beds is just wasted and things grow over the space so that it really is not good for navigation. Also some of the beds were 3’ wide and some are 4’. The 4’ wide beds hold more and will be more efficient. This winter’s project will be to start the reconstruction of the beds to make them the same length as the row and all of them will be 4’ wide.

The eggplants are finally producing. The potato bag was emptied. There were not a lot of potatoes, but for the space and effort invested the yield was acceptable. The dirt will be improved next year and hopefully the yield will increase.

David Segrest is an International REALTOR in Charlotte, NC. His email is david@segrestrealty.com , His webpage is http://davidsegrest.com , and his international real estate blog is http://dointernationalrealestate.blogspot.com/

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