Thursday, July 28, 2011

Finally Figs

In spite of the recent rain, yesterday’s garden yield was poor. The okra was pretty good, but there were only about 7 or 8 tomatoes and 1 patty pan squash. The figs were fantastic though. A little grocery store bag got almost completely filled. The house is full of tomatoes already. They need to be canned again. The figs need to be made into fig preserves also. Tonight the kitchen and jars will be gotten ready. Tomorrow night we can.

Everyone who has eaten the sauerkraut says it is “kick-ass”. Our first jar was finished off last night. Cabbage will have to be planted really heavy this fall. Kraut can be made from other greens too. How would mustard or turnip kraut taste? It may get a trial. Maybe even kale kraut will be good.

It is time to start planning the fall garden. Except for things that will be harvested pretty early, row A will be left empty so that it can be reworked. It will be widened to 4” and the spaces between the beds will be eliminated; so there will just be one long bed.

David Segrest is an International REALTOR in Charlotte, NC. His email is , His webpage is , and his international real estate blog is

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