Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Chris' Fig Preserves

Chris’ Fig Preserves

Finally the fig tree is producing a few figs. Chris is still bringing me lots of them. He has been kind enough to share his grandmother’s fig preserve recipe. This recipe starts with a 1 gallon pot. You need enough figs to fill the pot ¾ of the way, 1 ½ to 2 cups of sugar, cinnamon and ¼ stick of butter. Remove the stems from the figs and cut them in half.

Fill the pot to ¾ full of figs. Put about ¾” of water in the bottom. The figs will produce a lot of juice as they cook. Add 1 ½ cup of sugar and cook the figs slowly. As they reduce you can add cinnamon and more sugar to taste. Let the figs simmer for about an hour or until they get the consistency you like. Add the ¼ stick of butter and whip the entire mix. That’s all folks.

I can just taste this on hot biscuits. The mix could also be used to make cake filling or homemade fig Newtons. I am getting so hungry writing this that I need to stop and eat my breakfast. Enjoy!!

David Segrest is an International REALTOR in Charlotte, NC. His email is , His webpage is , and his international real estate blog is

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