Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Watermelon Fence Revisited

Watermelon Fence Revisited
t would be great to show a picture; but the camera was stolen this weekend. A picture will come as soon as the camera is replaced. The new watermelon fence went up yesterday, complete with last years lessons. The fencing used this time was a plastic wire with a 1” grid. Last year the 2”X 4” wire allowed the baby watermelons to fall through. Some hung below the fence and had to be supported. Some got caught in the grid and were deformed.

One more try was made to plant cucumbers. Only a few of my first planting germinated. None of the next two plantings germinated. This time a trench was dug and filled with compost. The cukes are one of my favorite things from the garden. We are still picking mesclun and oak leaf lettuce. We had a salad with cucumber from the garden and mesclun and nasturtium blossoms. The tomato was store-bought.

Winter Swol has a new recipe for grape leaves stuffed with figs and cheese. I will try to pry it from her mind and share it with you in the next post. Hopefully there will be ripe figs by then and we can try it and include pictures if I get a new camera. The fig tree is loaded, I am confident it will do its part. Shopping for a camera may be more troublesome.

David Segrest is an International REALTOR in Charlotte, NC. His email is , His webpage is , and his international real estate blog is

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