Thursday, May 23, 2013

Bee-ing Disorganized

About a week ago a small super was added to the #1 beehive. It seemed like a good idea to check for activity. Saturday and Sunday had afternoon rain, so the venture had to wait until yesterday (Monday). The bees have drawn almost all of the comb, but have filled almost none of it. They did make some burr comb under the feeder and fill that.

Hive #2 only had 1 undrawn foundation. That was replaced with a plastic foundation to see what will happen. The undrawn foundation was on the extreme right side. The two frames next to it were moved over and the plastic foundation was placed between 2 almost full frames. That hive will need a super this weekend. If they draw the plastic, it will be plastic. If not the plastic will be returned to Mann Lake and wax will be used.

The first sugar peas were picked yesterday. They were stir fried with asparagus, spinach and onion from the garden and bell pepper from the store. MMM good. The original intent was to grapple some new potatoes to go with the meal, but the ground was too soggy for sticking a hand under the potatoes.


David Segrest is an International REALTOR in Charlotte, NC. His email is , His webpage is , and his international real estate blog is

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