Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Little Dogs and Cherry Trees

6 cherry trees were planted last fall. They were carefully watered and cared for through the winter. All of the trees except 1 leafed out pretty early. That one was presumed to be dead, but it leafed out a little bit about a week later. All of the trees were alive and well.

About 2 weeks ago a lady was walking on the sidewalk with her little dog. The dog lifted his leg and dowsed one of the trees. That tree appears to be dying. I don’t know if the dog pee was the cause. There is a little scuffed spot on the trunk near the base. The real problem with the loss of the tree is not so much the cost and effort. The replacement tree will be a year behind the other trees. It will look funny for at least 2 years.

These trees were Bing, Brook and Black Tartarkian. My mind was filled with visions of the street in front of the house lined with beautiful cherry trees and bowls of cherries. The year before, trees were planted. When they started leafing out the deer ate them so strongly that they all died. This year deer and rabbit repellant has been applied every time it rains. Maybe we are not destined to have cherries.


David Segrest is an International REALTOR in Charlotte, NC. His email is david@segrestrealty.com , His webpage is http://davidsegrest.com , and his international real estate blog is http://dointernationalrealestate.blogspot.com/

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