Tuesday, November 6, 2007



I did nothing in the Garden yesterday, nor will I today; because I am in Brunswick County, NC teaching a real estate class. One thing I started last week was redoing an old blackberry bed. The blackberry bed is a remnant of a time when the house backed up to woods. I had never done anything with the area because it was behind the fence in the yard and I just did not bother.

When a subdivision was built, one of the people who owned a house behind us planted a lot of really nice azaleas on my property thinking it was his property. I thanked him profusely and asked him if he minded if I moved a couple of them around to the front. He got a survey and put up a fence. That added about 8 feet to my yard. I started taking the fence down to expand my garden. That is when I go to thinking about the blackberries. The raised bed I wrote about Sunday is in that area. There was still about a 30 foot area of blackberries. They don’t produce much because they have been neglected.

I dug up 10 nice blackberry plants and put them in pots. Then I ran the tiller through the area. Next I will really work on getting the soil in shape and replant the blackberry plants. It will probably take a couple of years before they actually produce anything.

David Segrest practices international real estate and writes an international real estate blog. Email is david@segrestrealty.com , Web page http://www.segrestrealty.com ,Blog http://dointernationalrealestate.blogspot.com/

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