Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Flatulence in Earthworms

Flatulence in Earthworms

I am so conservative with composting materials that I even take home the scraps and coffee grounds from the office. I found some leftover beans that I would no longer be comfortable eating; so I put them in the compost. My compost bins are so full of earthworms that I think of the compostables as earthworm food. I wonder if these beans will give the earthworms flatulence. That could give a whole new meaning to one of the benefits of earthworms which is soil aeration.

The sun is back out and I am feeling better. I can’t wait to get back into the yard. I wonder if the rain has made anything grow yet. My intentions for the day are to till some more of the front yard and saw up some more firewood. I may work on the watermelon fence a little too. My travel schedule is pretty brutal from now until the beginning of June; so I may not write a lot. I am trying to get my garden on “auto-pilot” so my wife will not have to do too much while I am gone.

David Segrest is an International REALTOR in Charlotte, NC. His email is , His webpage is , and his international real estate blog is

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